
The provisions of the VAT Law indicate that verification of a taxpayer's settlement can only take place in the form of verification activities, tax inspection, customs and fiscal control or tax proceedings. The tax authority should, within the framework of one of the aforementioned procedures, analyze whether a taxpayer is entitled to a refund or not. However, the legislator did not indicate within what time limit these procedures should be carried out. We invite you to read the publication written by associate partner Kamila Cebelińska and junior associate Beniamin Rostankowski, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

There is a lack of tools for seeking brokerage accounts during consumer bankruptcy proceedings. One of the primary goals of bankruptcy proceedings is to liquidate the bankrupt's assets and distribute the proceeds to creditors. However, it is clear that in order for an asset to be liquidated, the trustee must know about it. Do the current regulations enable the trustee to successfully find the bankrupt's complete assets?  We invite you to read the publication by associate Marcin Orzechowski, which appeared in Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.


The services can eavesdrop, but in doing so they must stick to concretized legal rules - otherwise, improperly collected material cannot be used in a trial, and the services themselves expose themselves to charges of illegal activity. The ways of the Polish secret services recently became notorious on the occasion of the PEGASUS software scandal. However, you don't have to be a well-known politician to start being wiretapped. It's worth asking whether incriminating materials documenting a crime obtained in this way must always mean a certain criminal conviction? Read the latest publication by counsel Stanislaw Wisniewski and junior associate Kamil Spyla, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.


Members of the Last Generation have again glued themselves to the road and blocked traffic on one of Warsaw's main streets. In their view, this is justified by the fight for the climate and saving the planet. Unluckily for the activists, both drivers and police were not thrilled with this their specific "sacrifice" to the goddess Gaia. Are the actions of the "Last Generation" a violation of the law, and what legal consequences may result? We invite you to read an article written by partner Przemyslaw Wierzbicki and junior associate Maciej Romanowski, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.


The stipulation of liquidated damages is a standard provision in many contracts. The parties may agree that compensation for the damage suffered by one party resulting from the non-performance or improper performance of a non-monetary obligation by the other party will be made by paying a specified sum. We invite you to read the material by associate partner Kamila Cebelinska and junior associate Beniamin Rostankowski, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.


Criminal proceedings have been brought before the District Court for the Western District of the State of Texas against the Korean company DESCA CO. LTD. and three South Korean citizens. The subject of the indictment is unfair market practices - it turns out that it is possible to violate U.S. criminal law in connection with a tender taking place in a country other than the United States. We invite you to read the publication by partner Przemyslaw Wierzbicki and junior associate Maciej Romanowski, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.

Puls Biznesu

Residents of the metropolis are probably familiar with the sight of "no parking - private land" placards posted on property fences. The people who do this probably believe that this is a perfectly legal action. After all, it is their property and they can demand that no parking is allowed in front of their homes, right? Not exactly. We invite you to read an article by partner Przemyslaw Wierzbicki and junior associate Maciej Romanowski, which appeared in Puls Biznesu.


Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

The government has adopted a draft law on class action litigation. How has it looked in practice so far? Partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and junior associate Kamil Spyła answer this question in the following article, which appeared in Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.


The article by partner Przemyslaw Wierzbicki and senior associate Adam Tula on the legal liability of entities using “short-selling”, published on, is an important voice in the discussion sparked by the Hindenburg Research report on LPP, resulting in several dozen percent drops in LPP's share price. In the U.S. and Western Europe, the phenomenon of “short - selling activism” (investors actively playing for “short sales”) has long become an everyday occurrence. In our country we have encountered such a phenomenon for the first time - as in the past in Western countries, also in our country it has caused an angry discussion between “standard” investors and proponents of pure speculation and demands for all sorts of legal consequences. But perhaps it is worth taking a broader look and considering how this phenomenon works in countries that have this shock stage behind them? Is it really the case that “short-selling activism” always involves a violation of the law?


Bank and insurance guarantees, now used in virtually every sector of the economy, are one of the fastest and surest ways to secure the claims of guarantee beneficiaries. However, these guarantees are also sometimes the source of often complicated and multifaceted litigation. The court cases against them, most often relate to demands for payment made by the beneficiaries of the guarantees against the guarantors, or the return claims of the issuers of guarantees to the principals, which arose after the guarantors made payments from the guarantees. We invite you to read the publication authored by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and junior associate Kamil Spyła, which appeared on the portal.



Civil procedure is the branch of law that has the greatest impact on the daily life of the “average citizen.” Virtually everyone, sooner or later, will come into contact with a civil court on the occasion of such “life” matters as the declaration of inheritance, the proverbial “dispute over property”, or the division of property. Therefore, it is very important to interpret the norms of procedural law, which often causes a lot of problems for both professional trial attorneys and courts. We invite you to read the publication by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and junior associate Maciej Romanowski, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.


Harsh language or even undermining the academic achievements of the person being evaluated is not sufficient grounds to consider that someone else's personal rights have been violated. We invite you to read the commentary by partner Przemyslaw Wierzbicki, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.


A bid security is known to every contractor participating in public tenders. However, not every contractor knows when a bid bond can be retained by the contracting authority. The rationale for the retention of a bid bond is worth knowing, as in some cases the retention of a bid bond can come as quite a surprise to a contractor. We invite you to read the latest publication by counsel Marta Ewiak - Kawecka, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.



Sanctions have become an integral part of international relations. Virtually every company, especially those operating in the global market, has experienced or is about to experience the impact of sanctions on its business. It is therefore important to recognize the risks associated with sanctions early on and to effectively safeguard against them. It is also important to formulate the sanctions clause in such a way as to ensure its effectiveness and preclude the possibility of challenging its validity in a possible litigation with a counterparty. We invite you to read the publication by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and associate Katarzyna Wieszałka, which appeared in the latest issue of Rzeczpospolita.


The court has rejected a request to open an expedited arrangement procedure for Tenczynek Dystrybucja. Two attempts at an arrangement have already failed for Tenczynek Dystrybucja. The court has just rejected a request to open an accelerated arrangement procedure for this company of Janusz Palikot. The arrangement could, in the court's opinion, harm the creditors. There are 3729 individuals and companies waiting for repayment of more than PLN 80 million in debts. We invite you to read associate Marcelina Rzepkowska's commentary, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.


The sanction of free credit appeared in the Polish legal order with the entry into force of the Law of July 20, 2001 on consumer credit. From the beginning, the institution gave the borrower the right (after making an appropriate declaration) to repay the loan without interest in the situation of the lender's failure to fulfill certain obligations against the background of the construction of the loan agreement. Currently, the regulation finds its counterpart in Article 45 of the new Law on Consumer Credit, in force since December 18, 2011. Both of the aforementioned laws had their origin in the implementation of the obligation to harmonize national and EU legislation. We invite you to read the publication by counsel Michal Karczmarczyk, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.


Recent Supreme Court rulings on so-called "franking credits" have stirred up a lot of emotions. A group of judges argues against the so-called two-condition theory and in favor of upholding some of the contracts for loans indexed to foreign currencies. We invite you to read the publication by counsel Maria Batyra and junior associate Piotr Maciejewski, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.


In 2025, the deposit on reusable bottles will no longer be collected by the store, but by the beverage manufacturer itself or the distributor of the products introducing them to the Polish market. The introduction of a deposit system in Poland brings many benefits, but also requires businesses and tax authorities to prepare for new challenges. The new system is designed to promote recycling. We invite you to read the publication by senior associate Kamil Damięcki and associate Anna Duplicka, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.


Set-off of mutual monetary claims by means of a unilateral statement of intent is the most convenient instrument of settlement, in which the parties are each other's creditors and debtors. We invite you to read the latest article by senior associate Adam Tula, which appeared in the latest issue of Rzeczpospolita.


Even if, as patients or their relatives, we do not have a good opinion of doctors, it is better to refrain from insulting terms about their work and the facility itself. The Swinoujscie City Hospital, whose case was publicized, among others, by TVN Warner Bros.' "Attention!" program. Discovery, has directed more than a dozen calls to Internet users to remove comments and posts allegedly damaging to its good name from its social media group. We invite you to read partner Przemyslaw Wierzbicki's commentary he gave to Rzeczpospolita on the described case.


It happens that both the court and the bailiff do not feel competent to verify whether the creditor has actually exercised the right of retention reserved in the judgment in favor of the debtor, thus distorting the protective function of this plea. We invite you to read the publication by senior associate Olga Pludowska, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.


Efficient implementation of environmental goals requires an increasing number of agreements between businesses. Such agreements may raise questions as to their compliance with competition law - which is why the positions of competition authorities, prejudging which agreements will be considered "in advance" to be in compliance with competition law, may be so important for companies today. We invite you to read the latest publication authored by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki in cooperation with junior associate Adrianna Hyjek and Katarzyna Leszczynska, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.

Executive Magazine

The lack of regulation of AI causes many doubts on the application of various areas of law: copyright, patent, consumer, cyber security, data protection, liability for damages. Liability for the actions of robots should be analyzed both in relation to tort liability and dangerous product liability. So, who is liable for the actions of robots using AI? We invite you to read the publication by associate Dominika Palak and junior associate Natalia Bień, which appeared in the latest issue of Executive Magazine.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Allegation of deduction of claims in civil litigation - the literature of the law diverges from judicial practice. The culprit of the confusion is Article 2031 of the Code of Civil Procedure, which deals with the procedural allegation of deduction. It is a tool for safeguarding the rights of both creditors and debtors. However, according to the case law so far, the courts' doubts are raised by the vague wording of this regulation, which makes it difficult for the parties to clearly interpret to what extent to effectively apply the provisions on deduction. The legislator in the latest amendment to the Code of Civil Procedure of July 7, 2023 has not removed all the problems. We invite you to read the article written by Przemysław Wierzbicki with the support of Julian Bień, which appeared in today's issue of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.


Despite the seemingly favorable ruling issued by the CJEU (C-520/21) for consumers, and contrary to the advertising slogans that appeared in the period after the ruling, it is doubtful that a line of judgment will take shape that takes into account borrowers' claims for remuneration for the use of capital. We invite you to read the latest publication by counsel Michal Karczmarczyk and associate Wioleta Strzelczyk, which appeared in BANK Financial Monthly.


The new Regulation (EU) 2022/2560 of the European Parliament and of the Council of December 14, 2022 on foreign subsidies distorting the internal market ("Regulation 2022/2560") has a significant impact on the activities of entrepreneurs who obtain foreign subsidies from outside the European Union. The purpose of the Regulation is to counteract situations in which entrepreneurs who receive foreign subsidies gain an unauthorized advantage in the EU market. We invite you to read the latest publication by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and senior associate Olga Płudowska, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.


The amendment to the Law on Amending the Law on Spatial Planning and Development and Certain Other Laws was signed by the President of Poland on July 24. One of the goals of the amendment is to introduce new provisions regulating public participation in the development of new general plans and local zoning plans. We invite you to read the publication by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and associate Krzysztof Wanecki, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.


The enormity of the court decisions issued in the last decade in so-called "franking" cases has provided a significant impetus for the development of the interpretation and application of consumer protection law. The consequence of this development is the constant evolution of "franking" jurisprudence. The current stage is marked by Supreme Court rulings limiting the possibility of invalidating loan agreements that include prohibited valorization clauses. We invite you to read the publication by senior associate Adam Tula and associate Karolina Łupińska, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.


In the previous state of the law, if the defendant failed to publish a court-ordered apology, the provisions on the enforcement of substitutable actions, as stipulated in Article 1049 of the Code of Civil Procedure, were applied. In practice, this meant that a person whose personal rights had been violated could publish an apology in the media himself at the expense of the defendant, who evaded this obligation. This solution is a consequence of the Supreme Court's Resolution of June 28, 2006, ref: III CZP 23/06. Interestingly, until the adoption of the aforementioned Resolution, the judicature, as well as the doctrine, unanimously took the position that the execution of a judgment ordering the submission of a statement of appropriate content and form takes place exclusively on the basis of Article 1050 of the Code of Civil Procedure, indicating that this is an irreplaceable action. So, was another amendment to the CCP needed? What could be its potential consequences? We invite you to read the publication by associate Kamil Damięcki and junior associate Adriana Hyjek, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.


One of the solutions related to the initiation of restructuring proceedings are restrictions on the ability to terminate certain contracts linking the counterparty with the debtor. We invite you to read the publication by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and junior associate Marcin Orzechowski, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.


The draft amendment to the Construction Law provides for the introduction of a so-called yellow card mechanism. This is to be a warning to the investor from the construction supervision authority, which will give the investor a chance to avoid a severe remedial procedure in case of significant deviations from the design documentation. Legislative work on the bill is underway. It is possible that the law will be enacted this year. We invite you to read the publication by partner Przemyslaw Wierzbicki and senior associate Anna Domagała, which was published in Rzeczpospolita.


In December 2021, the legislator modified the procedure for approval of an arrangement, resulting from the Law - Restructuring Law, transferring to this procedure a number of solutions from the so-called simplified restructuring procedure from Shield 4.0. In particular, the legislator additionally extended to the debtor the possibility of protection from executions, which the Restructuring Law did not previously provide for the procedure for approval of an arrangement. Unfortunately, in practice, this protection is sometimes a sham, and the question is pressed to the lips - does such a regulation even make sense? We invite you to read the publication by partner Przemyslaw Wierzbicki, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.


The main goal of the 2023 amendment to the Code of Civil Procedure is to simplify existing procedures, facilitate contact with the court, eliminate loopholes in the law, and, in the process, also fix the changes also introduced by the big amendment of July 4, 2019. Will the changes really make proceedings easier and affect the efficiency of the proceedings? We invite you to read the commentary by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki, which was published in Rzeczpospolita.


The Central Register of Beneficial Beneficiaries ("CRBR"), introduced by the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financial of Terrorism Law ("AMA Law"), is already operational in Poland as of 2019. Pursuant to the AML Law, almost all entities operating in Poland are required to enter data on beneficial owners into the CRBR. Despite the passage of almost four years since the introduction of the CRBR, not all obligated parties are aware to their obligation. Read the latest article by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and associate Krzysztof Wanecki, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita


Serving as a member of the board of directors of a limited liability company entails numerous obligations, such as the duty to exercise due diligence arising from the professional nature of such activity and the duty to maintain loyalty to the company under Article 2091 § 1 of the Commercial Companies Code, or the duty to maintain the company’s secrets under Article 2091 § 2 of the Commercial Companies Code. Even a member of the board of directors who does not deal with the company’s finances on a daily basis may be liable for the company’s debts if enforcement against the company proves ineffective. We invite you to read latest publication by senior associate Maciej Marczewski, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita


For contractors submitting bids in tenders, the aspect of business confidentiality remains particularly important. This is because contractors strive to keep certain information contained in submitted documents confidential. Disclosure of this information could have far-reaching consequences. This is because one must bear in mind that the knowledge of confidential documents by competitors could result in the use of certain information and weaken the position of a given contractor in the market. We invite you to read the latest article by senior associate Marta Ewiak-Kawecka, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita


The issue of the compensation market has been the subject of heated discussion in recent months, both against the backdrop of legislation and direct action by the President of the Office of Competition and Consumers, who last November issued decisions aimed at eliminating practices that hit the interests of consumers — purchasers of legal services. Thus, it cannot be imposed on the entrepreneur to predict with perfect accuracy the length of the proceedings in the case of a legal service, but the consumer should be given guidance to estimate the final cost of the service. We invite you to read the article by senior associate Michał Karczmarczyk, which appeared in today’s issue of Rzeczpospolita


The contracting authority may not selectively apply regulations and introduce prohibited contractual provisions regarding the contractor’s liability for circumstances for which the contracting authority is solely responsible, citing the lack of competitiveness in the market. Do procurers introduce prohibited provisions into their contracts? What does it look like in practice? We invite you tto read the publication by senior associate Olga Płudowska, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita


In the Polish legal system, bilateral constractual obligations are based on the assumption that parties entering into a contract may arrange their relations as they see fit, as long as its content or purpose does not contradict the nature of the relationship, the law or the principles of social intercourse. In addition, since the conclusion of a contract, requires a consensual statement by both parties, it is assumed that the party to whom the terms of the contract do not suit simply does not make such a statement. We encourage you to read the latest article by senior associate Maciej Łysakowski, which appeared in the latest issue of Rzeczpospolita


Does a final ruling on property separation cause the other spouse to become a partner in the company as well? This question is answered by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and senior associate Iwona Nogaj, which appeared in the latest issue of


Before choosing a lump sum, every entrepreneur should carefully analyze the scope of activities performed within his company and for his employed under an employment contract. Read the latest article by tax consultant Kamila Cebelińska and junior associate Beniamin Rostonowski, which appeared in the latest issue of Rzeczpospolita


Once the new regulations come into force, detailed information will be published in CEIDG directly on the civil partnership, following the example of information on capital companies published in the National Court Register. We encourage you to read the article by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and senior associate Maciej Marczewski, which appeared in the latest issue of Rzeczpospolita

Kwartalnik. Prawo budowlane

Reconstruction is a type of construction work that, despite its definition in the Construction Law of July 7, 1994, in practice repeatedly poses difficulties in qualifying specific works to this category. Problems often arise in distinuishing the reconstruction of a building from its expansion or renovation. Meanwhile, the correct qualification of construction works is crucial in order to determine whether the performance of the planned works requires a prior construction permit, or perhaps a notification is sufficient. It may also turn out that neither a construction permit nor even a notification of the works will be necessary to carry out the works. Therefore, the proper qualification of the works makes it possible to determine the type of formalities to be completed before the start of the works, and consequently in the future to avoid problems associated, for example, with the execution of works without the required permit or notification. We invite you to read part of the publication written by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and senior associate Anna Domagała, which appered in the latest issue of Prawo Budowlane. Kwartalnik.  


There is no uniform jurisprudence in the area of changing the remuneration of public procurement contractors. Many entrepreneurs who previously submitted bids in public tenders are wondering about the contined legitimacy of competing in tenders. After all, rampant inflation is leading to contracts being executed becoming unprofitable, especially since contracting authorities are rather reluctant to valorize remuneration above the values specified in the contract. We invie you to read the latest publication by senior associate Marta Ewiak-Kawecka, which appeared in the latest isseu of Rzeczpospolita

Kwartalnik. Prawo budowlane

The Public Procurement Law does not include a definition of „abnormally low price“ — only the case law of the NAC development over the years and statements of doctrine representatives allow its definition. We invite you to read the part of the publication aimed at analyzing the current KIO jurisprudence in tenders for construction works by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and senior associate Olga Płudowska, which appeared in Prawo Budowlane. Kwartalnik

Zamawiający. Zamówienia Publiczne w Praktyce

The legislator noted the need to „motivate“ contractors to make statements that are consistent with reality. The only thing that may surprise us is a certain inconsistency, consisting, on the one hand, in a server sanction (exclusion not only from a given proceeding, but also others for a year or two), and on the other hand — leaving this principle option, as if the ordering parties were to decide how server, on the grounds of a given proceeding, misrepresentation may be for them. We invite you to read part of the article by senior associate Maciej Łysakowski, which appeared in Zamawiający. Zamówienia Publiczne w Praktyce.

UN Global Compact Network Poland

Recently, in connection with the publication in Monitor Polski of the full version of the Polish Hydrogen Strategy until 2030 with an outlook until 2040 (hereinafter: „PSW“), the topic of hydrogen, which in the Polish economy may play a key role in the future as a raw material and energy carrier, has heated up. Hydrogen is considered to be one of the most important and necessary elements of the process aimed at reducing and ultimately stopping CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. It is expected to enable the transformation of important sectors of the economy, such as transportation, energy and industry, among others. We invite you to read the publication, which was published as part of the annual Yearbook (strategic report) issued by the UN Global Compact Network Poland, and we thank you for the opportunity to participate in such an important initiative as working for sustainable development.

Builder Polska

Knowledge of legal issues is an important part of business. Problems encountered can cause a lot of trouble and anxiety. How to get out of difficult situations? What do the regulations say? These questions troubling representatives of the construction industry are answered by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki in the latest issue of Builder Polska. We invite you to read it. 


Changes to the Companies Act — everything companies should know about a binding order. When can a subsidiary remaining in a group of companies refuse to carry out a binding order? This question is answered in the following material by our experts in corporate disputes partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and senior associate Maciej Marczewski in the latest issue of Rzeczpospolita. We invite tou to read as well as to contract us with regard to conducting a possible internal training on the above subject. 


A key concept under the holding company law, which came into force in the form of an amendment to the Commercial Companies Code on October 13, 2022, is the concpet of a group of companies. One of the prerequisites for the formation of a group of companies is the existence of a common strategy and its guidance by the companies within the group. We invite you to read the latest article by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and senior associate Maciej Marczewski, which appeared in the latest issue of Rzeczpospolita.


Without a doubt, the two-condition theory has become a tool for multiplying the number of proceedings and inflating court costs. There is still a long way to go to the stabilization of jurisprudence predicted by the parties to the franking dispute. In the resolution of February 16, 2021. (ref. II CZP 11/20), the Supreme Court assumed that the settlement of an invalid loan agreement is to be based on the theory of two conditions. On its basis, a wave of subsequent lawsuits was anticipated. Meanwhile, after more than 1,5 years, the number of lawsuits is decreasing, and banks are concluding an increasing nuumber of settlements with borrowers. We invite you to read the latest article by our experts in the litigation department senior associate Dariusz Milewczyk and senior associate Maria Batyra, which appeared in the latest issue of Rzeczpospolita


Recently, more and more companies have been pursuing an ESG strategy in their operations. In practice, it boils down to taking into account environmental, social and corporate sustainability factors in business activities. In other words, ESG activities dictate taking into account not only strictly financial factors and the postulate of profit maximization, but according to this philosophy, the company should also take into account the interests of third parties (e.g., customers, suppliers, society at large). So, when conducting an ESG strategy, can members of the board of directors of capital companies expose themselves to liability for damages? This question is answered in the following material by our corporate litigation experts partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and senior associate Maciej Marczewski in the latest issue of Rzeczpospolita

Executive Magazine

The current realities in the construction market — concerning both the increase in the cost of construction materials and problems with their availability — lead to a situation in which, on many occasions, contractors responsible for the execution of works are faced with a dilemma: whether it will be more costly for them to complete the task, or to give up and suffer the associated contractual consequences. We invite you to read the latest article by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and senior associate Maciej Łysakowski, which appeared in the latest issue of Executive Club


Prior to the introduction of a package of tax changes known as Polski Ład, taxpayers earning rental income, as well as entrepreneurse runing a business in a residental unit, were allowed to include depreciation deductible, the equivalent of successive wear and tear on apartments that are fixed assets. Taking into account that depreciate of apartments could not last less than 10 years, those investing in rental properties, as well as entrepreneurs using secondary market apartments, which can be depreciated at a higher rate, prepared multi-year investment plans taking into account the method and length of depreciation. The adopted plans were thwarted by Polski Ład, which excluded from 01.01.2022, and for premises in the process of depreciation from 01.01.2023, the possibility of counting depreciation deductions to KUP. We invite you to read the article by tax advisor Kamila Cebelińska and associate Anna Miłek-Wilczyńska, which appeared in the latest issue of Rzeczpospolita

Doradca restrukturyzacyjny

The declaration of bankruptcy entails far-reaching consequences in many aspects of the bankrupt’s functioning. Consequently, bankruptcy proceedings also affect the formation of the legal situation of third parties. In the newly created reality, these entities , in order to protect their rights, are often obliged to pursue their claims in court. At this point, the question arises as to whether the current regulations are sufficiently well structured to enable, on the one hand, the effective vindication of rights, and, on the other hand, to protect claimants from the negative consequences of the discontinuance of bankruptcy proceedings before the settlement of the action. This publication is an invitation to discuss the issue of litigation initiated during bankruptcy proceedings. We invite you to read an excerpt from the article written by parttner Przemysław Wierzbicki, senior associate Edyta Wróblewska and junior associate Marcin Orzechowski, which appeared in the latest issue of the quarterly Doradca restrukturyzacyjny. The entire article is available on the website of Krajowa Izba Doradców Restrukturyzacyjnych at the link


Despite relatively frequent amendments to the Civil Code, the wording of the provision on exploitation has changed only for the first time since 1964. The disposition of the provision of Article 388 § 1 of the Civil Code was supplemented by a new premise, i.e. the lack of sufficient discernment of the other party about the subject of the contract, which seems to be the most significant and dangerous change. The legislator has de facto defined the concept of performance grossly exceeding the value of the consideration, which significantly modifies the issue of the distribution of the burden of proof in the event of possible litigation. There has also been an increase in the time within which the rights provided by the amended provision can be exercised. The time limits now correspond to the general statute of limitations for claims under Article 118 of the Civil Code. We invite you to read the entire publication by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and associate Wioleta Strzelczyk, which appeared in the latest issue of Rzeczpospolita

Executive Magazine

The construction industry is currently on the brink of exhaustion. The market first struggled with the effects of the pandemic, and now the industry is also suffering from the far-reaching effects of the war in Ukraine. The main problem for the construction sector is, first of all, the sharp and significant increase in the price of construction materials, the reduction in the availability of raw materials, the exodus of a workforce composed largely of Ukrainian citizens. All this means that previously concluded construction contracts not only do not bring a profit, but additionally companies have to add to their investments. As a result, the valorization of construction contracts has become a burning issue and one of the most important challenges. We invite you to read the latest article by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and senior associate Marta Ewiak-Kawecka, which appeared in the latest issue of Executive Magazine.


According to the CSO, in each quarter of 2020, remote work was consistently performed by 5,8% to 11%, and in 2021 by 5% to 14,2% of the total number of working people, respectively. Currently, remote work is regulated by the temporary provisions of the so-called Covid Law. In view of the numerous benefits accompanying this form of collaboration and the popularization of digital nomadism, it seems that remote work aill stay with us despite the lack of further need for social distance. With this mind, the lagislature has attempted to make remote work permanent with a proposed amendment to the Labor Code, which is currently undergoing parliamentary work. We invite you to read the article by tax consultant Kamila Cebelińska and associate Anna Miłek-Wilczyńska, which appeared in the latest issue of Rzeczpospolita


The current regulations lead to unequal treatment of contributors who are in similar situations. The disparity is even more pronounced the more companies a non-business person owns, We invite you to read the latest article by tax consultant Kamila Cebelinska with the support of associate Anna Duplicka and associate Kamil Ceglarz, which appeared in the latest issue of Rzeczpospolita


As early as the 1938 Supreme Court decision, the institution of the conciliatory dispute resolution led to the interruption of the statute of limitations. Since then, the institution has evolved, several concepts emerged, which then formed into two leading ones the first concept assumed that each call for a conciliation attempt resulted in the interruption of the statute of limitations, which, after the interruption, ran anew, the second concept, which replaced the zero-one approach to the issue of conciliatory settlement of a dispute, assumed an examination of whether the request was not made only to interrupt the statute of limitations. We invite you to read the entire publication by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and associate Wioleta Strzelczyk, which appeared in the last issue of Rzeczpospolita.


The first rulings granting the bank the right to remuneration for the use of capital in the event of cancellation o a CHF-indexed loan agreement are emerging. In a preliminary judgment dated June 29, 2022. The District Court in Gdańsk XV Civil Division, in a case filed under case number XV C 137/22, determined that the bank is entitled to remuneration for the use of capital. According to the court, the methodology of calculating the amount of the benefit due to the bank remains an open question. Undoubtedly, this is one of the first decisions of a common court on this subject. We invite you to read the latest article by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and senior associate Michał Karczmarczyk, which appeared on


We invite you to read the commentary of Przemysław Wierzbicki partner, to the judgment of the Voivodship Administrative Court in Łódź of 15 September 2021. III SA/Łd/523/21, which was published in Rzeczpospolita.


An article by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki Artificial Intelligence Algorithms and Competition Law has been published on iTWIZ. This article addresses the fact that more and more competition authorities are recognizing the problems that the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions or automated olgorithms may pose for competition law. Particularly "risky" is software in which pricing information or key business data may be exchanged or agreed upon. Companies developing or providing this type of solutions should take these concerns into account, because more and more often penalties for participating in collusion are imposed also on IT companies "involved" in it. We invite you to read more.


In the public space, there is more and more talk about banks' initiatives to negotiate settlements with borrowers who entered into credit agreements indexed or denominated in foreign currencies (in siple terms, the so - called "franking" loans). The long duration of court proceedings in disputes over the franking rates and the still uncertain outcome argue that for borrowers, concluding a settlement is a very beneficial solution: it saves time, expenses and stress. However, more and more often we hear information that supposedly discourages borrowers from making a settlement - it is worthwhile for borrowers to make up their own mind whether such voices have any basis and whether they can be at all credible. We invite you to read the latest article written by Przemysław Wierzbicki, which appeared on the pages of

19932/The judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of  September  in Case C-932/19 may be extremely important for the future of the Swiss franc loan problem and related litigation. This is another that the TSUE does not agree with the practice of those Polish courts that "automatically" invalidate loan agreements- if only the borrower so wishes. We invite you to read the latest commentary by Partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and Senior Associate Maria Beroud - Mazur, which appeared on

The professional self- government did not want to release the resolutions of the district election commission on protests filed against the validity of the election of delegates to the district congress of physicians. The Supreme Administrative Court held that these are not internal documents. People elected to local government bodies will decide on public matters in the, so the procedure related to their election concerns public matters. We invite you to read the partner's Przemysław Wierzbicki commentary, which was published in Rzeczpospolita.


Semi - detached house or detached two- family house? When planning an investment, it should be borne in mind that the architectural- construction authority may refuse to carry out a single- family detached house development functionally similar to semi- detached houses in the areas where the local law prohibits the latter. The risk is also valid for clients intending to purchase a facility with these characteristics. We invite you to read the latest article created by Partner Przemysław Wierzbicki, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.

Magazyn Forum Czystości

The new public procurement law reinforces the importance of technical dialogue- now under the name of preliminary market consultation. The intention is clear - contracting authorities should use solution more often when preparing public procurement proceedings. But preliminary market consultations also carry a potential trap for the participating contractors. In exceptional circumstances, they may be excluded from the procedure through no fault of their own because they participated in such consultations. We invite you to read the article authored by our Partner - Przemysław Wierzbicki, and Senior Associate Marta Ewiak - Kawecka, which appeared in the latest magazine Forum Czystości Polskiej Izby Gospodarczej Czystości.

Miesięcznik Ubezpieczeniowy

As a rule, the opening of restructuring proceedings or declaring bankruptcy of the guarantee beneficiary, its principal or the guarantor itself does not affect the validity and effectiveness of the issued insurance guarantee, but it may significantly affect both the relations between the parties to the guarantee agreement and the parties to the guarantee assignment agreement. We invite you to read the lates issue of  Miesięcznik Ubezpieczeniowy, which includes an article written by Przemysław Wierzbicki, partner and Anna Ucińska, associate.


Green energy can be purchased through a broker. More and more companies, not only big ones, are becoming environmentally friendly and decide to buy green energy for their needs (i.e. energy produced from renewable energy sources — RES). Please read the article authored by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki and associate Anna Domagała, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita


On 10 February 2021, after many years of discussion, the draft Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications (the so-called ePrivacy Regulation) was signed — the draft is still undergoing the legislative process, but the new regulations are nevertheless getting closer. We invite you to read the article written by Przemysław Wierzbicki, partner and Maria Batyra, senior associate, which was published on iTWIZ portal.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

The supervisor of the arrangement is not punished for mistakes, but… If such a person incorrectly performs his duties, creditors may in practice reach for  claims for damages. However, as the case law shows, proving the specific amount of damage is very difficult. Read the article by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki which appeared in today's issue of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.


The Simplified Restructuring Procedure (SPR) is a fresh instrument in the Polisg legal system, introduced by the so-called Shield Act 4.0 and referring to the provisions of the Restructuring Law in the proceedings for approval of an arrangement. Many companies in financial trouble seem to think that after the opening of the SPR they are safe as far as bankruptcy petitions filed by their creditors are concerned. Unfortunately the following analysis shows that this point is at least doubtful — moreover there are serious arguments that the opening of SPR does not preclude a bankruptcy filing by a creditor. We invite you to read the article which appeared in Rzeczpospolita by partner Przemysław Wierzbicki. 


In 22 February 2018, the Act on Electromobility and Alternative Fuels came into force, which transported EU regulations into the Polish legal order. This was the beginning of numerous changes taking place in Poland in effort to make transport more environmentally friendly, which of course had to start with planning. When does the implementation of electromobility require conducting a strategic environmental impact assessment? We invite you to read the article, which appeared on the GLOBEnergia portal, written by Przemysław Wierzbicki — partner, Kamila Cebelińska — senior associate and Anna Duplicka — associate.


The need to reduce emissions from transport is becoming increasingly clear. According to the draft of Energy Policy of Poland until 2040, the share of renewable energy sources in transport in 2030 is expected to reach 14 %. At the same time, it is indicated that biofuels and electromobility will play a special role. Could bio-CNG (compressed biomethane) refueling stations become a good way to solve this problem? What about the regulations on environmental impact assessment of a project? We invite you to read the article written by Przemysław Wierzbicki — partner, Anna Duplicka — associate and Kamila Cebelińska — senior associate, which was published on Gramwzielone.

Teraz Środowisko

How to accelerate the development of small hydropower plants? The costs and time for the implementation of small hydropower plants are too high. Some obstacles can be eliminated through better regulation. Which one? These and other questions are answered by attorney Przemysław Wierzbicki on the Teraz Środowisko portal. 


The Polish Act on Electromobility and Alternative Fuels introduces a number of obligations aimed at implementing and promoting electromobility. We invite you to read the article by Anna Duplicka, which was published on the GLOBEnergia portal. 

Cloud Forum

The technological possibilites offered by the progress of communication and data processing technologies allow for digitalization and thus facilitate life in areas previously reserved for direct contact. We invite you to read the article by Przemysław Wierzbicki, published on the Cloud Forum portal.


Simplified restructuring proceedings take advantage of the possibility of restructuring with limited participation of the court and provide protection of the debtor against enforcement or termination of important contracts. We invite you to read the article by Paweł Chmieliński, which appeared in today's issue of Rzeczpospolita.


Discharge will not always relieve you of your responsibility. We invite you to read the Wednesday issue of Rzeczpospolita, in which Marta Foltyn comments the legal effects of the discharge and the actions that can be taken by a board member who was not granted discharge.


The portal published an article by Przemysław Wierzbicki concerning the issue of remuneration for the bank for the use of capital — in case, the court would declare the agreement of a loan (credit) denominated or indexed to a foreign currency (the so-called "frank" loan) invalid. This topic is becoming more and more topical for entities involved in "frank" disputes, and the theses presented in the article have a crucial character. 


Restructuring will not be negatively affected by banks and contractors — we invite you to read the article by Przemysław Wierzbicki and Marta Foltyn, which was published in Rzeczpospolita.

Builder Polska

The latest guidelines for working on construction sites related to the COVID-19 epidemic, recommendations, rules and legal basis — comment on this issue on the Builder Poland portal was given by the leader of public procurement practice at KKLW Przemyslaw Wierzbicki.


How will special COVID-19 Act affect public procurement in IT? A comment on this issue in the lates issue of iTWIZ monthly was given by Przemysław Wierzbicki and Marta Ewiak-Kawecka. We invite you to read the article.

Builder Polska
The key information on the legal regulations contained in the so-called COVID-19 Specialist Law, relating to public procurement on the Builder Polska portal was analysed by Przemysław Wierzbicki and Marta Ewiak-Kawecka.

Wiktor Wesołowski was a guest of Wojtek Tumidalski in the RZECZoPRAWIE programme yesterday. The discussion concerned, among others, the reform of civil procedure, the introduction by the legislator of the principle of primacy of the document in commercial proceedings and ways of effective preparation for a potential court dispute in a situation where witness testimonies concerning the conclusion or performance of an agreement may be excluded or of limited significance.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Przemysław Wierzbicki commented in Dziennik Gazeta Prawna on the draft law on electronic delivery, which was adopted by the Council of Ministers. In the longer term, the Act is expected to lead to the fact that most communication between administrative bodies and courts will take place by means of electronic communication-by means of delivery of letters and decisions to a specially established electronic address-separate for each citizen (company). A nationwide database of electronic addresses will be created, in which the electronic addresses of citizens (companies) will be stored. Everyone will have access to it from the website. The obligation to establish such an electronic address will be imposed on individuals conducting business activity and entities registered in the National Court Register, as well as on individuals performing certain professions of public trust (lawyers, legal advisors, notaries, tax advisors). 

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

In the Friday issue of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna Wiktor Wesołowski, in an interview with the editor, Patryk Słowik comments on the impact that the reform of the civil procedure code will have on the manner of conducting labour disputes. We would like to invite you to read.




The guest of Tuesday's edition of RZECZoPRAWIE was Jakub Brzeski, a lawyer from our trial team. The discussion concerned the widely commented reform of the Civil Procedure Code, and in particular the new organisation of proceedings, including the change in the rules of service and changes concerning witnesses and experts. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the interview.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

The reform of civil procedure means changes not only for legal representatives. We invite you to read todays issue of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, in which Wiktor Wesołowski comments on the impact the amendment of the Civil Procedure Code may have on the practice of concluding and performing business contracts.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna published an article on compensation for delayed flights. Let us remind you that since 1 April, the rules for pursuing claims in this area have changed and the ULC can now only conduct conciliation proceedings. In addition, the ULC has recently been struggling with staffing problems and the time limits for handling such cases have been significantly extended. Krzysztof Łyszyk presented his comment in this case.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna published an article written by Krzysztof Łyszyk and Wiktor Kulewicz devoted to the duty of loyalty in a simple joint-stock company. The legislator decided to regulate this obligation only in the case of PSA, omitting this issue in the case of other capital companies. Does this mean that the loyalty obligation in limited liability companies and joint-stock companies is excluded, or is it simply more important in the case of PSA? We invite you to read it.


We would like to invite you to watch the latest release of RZECZoPRAWIE, in which Anna Wojda talked to Krzysztof Łyszyk about the novella, which provides, among other things, for the mandatory deprivation of shares in the form of a document and a change in the rules of transferring shares. The amendment, which is currently underway in the Sejm, will be very important for over 10 thousand joint-stock and limited joint-stock partnerships operating in Poland and their shareholders.


We invite you read the latest issue of the ITwiz (no. 5-6/2019), where the article of Przemysław Wierzbicki was published. The author presents arguments that artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms may have discriminatory effects, and the avoidance of such discriminatory effects is a big challenge for AI industry and requires ethics and lawyers to be involved in the process of creating the algorithm. The future legal liability of companies creating and using AI algorithms as well their creators might be the consequence of the lack of response to this problem.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

We invite you to read today's issue of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, which discusses the latest draft of the KSH novel. The changes in the Sejm are revolutionary and assume, among other things, the abolition of the documentation of the form of action. Krzysztof Łyszyk presented his comment on this matter.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

In today's Dziennik Gazeta Prawna Krzysztof Łyszyk comments on the famous in recent days swindle of PLN 2.5 m from LOT Polish Airlines based on a counterfeit invoice. We invite you to read the commentary.


We are pleased to announce that on 12 June 2019, at the meeting of creditors, an arrangement in an accelerated arrangement procedure conducted at the request of our Client was adopted. Details in the attached press release.


The Law Firm successfully represented Nuctech Warsaw Company Limited Sp. z o.o. in the appeal proceedings in the open tender entitled: Delivery, installation and commissioning of EDS Norma III devices together with adaptation of the necessary infrastructure at Poznań — ławica Airport Sp. z o.o. conducted by the ordering party — Poznań Airport — Ławica Sp. z o.o.„. In the course of the proceedings before the National Chamber of Appeals, the appeal against the content of the ToR, prepared earlier by the lawyers of the Law Firm, was acepted in its entirety. Nuctech is one of the worlds largest manufacturers of scanners and equipment for air baggage control. At the hearing before the National Chamber of Appeals, attorneys Przemysław Wierzbicki and Maciej Łysakowski represented the client.


There are exceptions to personal responsibility — we would like to you to read the article by Przemysław Wierzbicki and Anna Duplicka, which appeared in the Friday issue of the Rzeczpospolita.

Builder Magazine

We invite you to read the article by Przemysław Wierzbicki and Anna Duplicka concerning the proposal of new solutions in the field of valorization of construction works contracts, presented by the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways and PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe. The article was published in Builder Magazine.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

The echoes of the Boeing 737 MAX aircraft grounding case will not go away. Krzysztof Łyszyk in today's issue of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna comments on the issues related to the investigation of compensation claims by carriers on this account.



Can artificial intelligence be prejudiced against me? We invite you to read an article written by Przemysław Wierzbicki, which was published in Rzeczpospolita.

Cloud Forum

Challenges- not only legal in connection with the use of artificial intelligence on the Cloud Forum technology portal are analysed by Przemysław Wierzbicki.

Parkiet TV

Wiktor Wesołowski was a guest of editor Andrzeja Steca on Parkiet TV. The subject of the discussion was the consequences for companies (mainly public companies) of the new Act on the liability of collective entities for acts prohibited under the threat of punishment, which is currently undergoing proceedings in the Sejm.


Rzeczpospolita published an article written by Przemysław Wierzbicki and Jakub Brzeski on the possibility of taking steps to accelerate the preparation of a plan for the disribution of funds obtained from the sale of real estate in cure proceedings.


We invite to read the article by Przemysław Wierzbicki and Anna Duplicka, in which our lawyers analyze the activities of the European Commission related to unfair competition in the area of distribution. The article appeared on the portal wiadomoś


The controversy surrounding the draft of the new act on the liability of collective entities do not stop. We would like to invite you to read the article by Agata Łukaszewicz in Rzeczpospolita, commented by Wiktor Wesołowski.


We are pleased to announce that on January 23, 2019, the District Court for Warsaw-Mokotów issued a favorable verdict regarding the CHF-indexed loan agreement for the Bank represented by our law office. In this case, the borrower, in seeking payment from the Bank, questioned the contractual indexation clauses underlying the conversion of the tranches of the loan, as well as the basis for the conversion of capital and interest installments repaid by the borrower. The court took into account the claim of the borrower only in a small part, and thus as to the vast majority of the claimed principal receivables, the client of our Law Firm won the trial. It is interesting that - according to our knowledge - about a month earlier, the Court in an identical composition issued in a case with very similar facts, according to which the indexed loan agreement is invalid due to the abusiveness of indexation clauses. Therefore, the position of the judge-clerk was changed in matters crucial to the resolution of such cases - which resulted in a decision favorable for the Bank we represent. We are happy that we could have been involved in the success of our client.

Gazeta Wyborcza

Winter Holidays are in progres so we decided to share with you the holiday topic. In Gazeta Wyborcza there was an article about the risks associated with the use of popular online booking portals. Krzysztof Łyszyk commented on the issue of dispute resolution.

Polsat News

Krzysztof Łyszyk was a guest of the Biznes Information program on Polsat News, where he commented on the parliamentary work on the amendment to the law prohibiting trade on Sunday and the report of the Sejm Office of Analysis evaluate the social effects of this regulation.


Krzysztof Łyszyk was a guest of today RZECZoPRAWIE program, where he commented the last decision of PZPN License Commission regarding the suspension of Wisła Krakow license. One of the reasons of the suspension of the license are doubts whether the December transaction really did not take place and whether the Sports Association is still the owner of Wisła Krakow shares.

Doradca Restrukturyzacyjny

Article by Przemysław Wierzbicki, Jakub Brzeski and Kamila Cebelińska on the public aid in case of prepared liquidation was published in quarterly Doradca Restrukturyzacyjny.


Rzeczpospolita has published an article informing that a lawyer’s office KKLW on November 21st, 2018 acquired a positive judgement by the Court of Appeals in Lublin, which dismissed in full an appeal of the opponent of the KKLW client from the judgement by the District Court. Before, the Court of First Instance has dismissed a claim of the appellant – the joint stock company against its former president of the board for alleged damages, which the joint stock company, i.a. allegedly suffered in relation to purchase of shares of another partnership made by the defendant manager (art. 483 of Code of Commercial Companies). The lawyer’s office represented the defendant manager before the courts of both instances – in person of counselor Przemysław Wierzbicki and counselor Łukasz Żabczyński.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

The third version of the draft law on the liability of collective entities was published last week. For more information please refer to the analysis of these regulations, authored by Wiktor Wesołowski and Anna Grochowska – Wasilewska, which appeared in Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.


An article authored by Przemysław Wierzbicki concerning not only the legal but also practical aspects of artificial intelligence was published in today edition of Rzeczpospolita.​


Michał Kurzyński was a guest of RZECZoPRAWIE program, where he commented the amendment of the act on PPP and the hopes of the market connected with this.

Rzeczpospolita published an article by Jakub Brzeski and Przemysław Wierzbicki discussing the institution of liquidation (the so-called prepack), which is an attractive and increasingly popular restructuring tool.

On the an article concerning the project of new regulations on the liability of collective entities was published, to which Wiktor Wesołowski made a comment.


Wiktor Wesolowski was a guest of  RZECZoPRAWIE program on RzeczpospolitaTV, where he commented how the company can protect itself against penalties for the liability of collective entities.


An article by Wiktor Wesolowski and Paulina Majewska about the latest amendment to the Act Against Unfair Competition was published in Rzeczpospolita.

Polish Aviation Market

Our next publication about New Central Polish Airport appeared in the Polish Aviation Market. Jakub Brzeski discussed New Central Polish Airport in the context of EU regulations on state aid.

EC Magazine for Business

Article by Przemysław Wierzbicki on the legal aspects of BigData in the retail industry was published in the EC Magazine for Business.

Krzysztof Łyszyk was a guest of  RZECZoPRAWIE program on RzeczpospolitaTV, where he commented the sentence of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the so-called Celmer case (C 216/18 PPU).
Puls Biznesu

Puls Biznesu published Przemysław Wierzbicki's extensive statement on disputes concerning the use of bank and insurance guarantees in the context of the crisis on the construction market.


Rzeczpospolita published an article by Przemysław Wierzbicki on blockchain technology regarding new provisions on personal data protection.

Outsourcing Portal

An article by Przemysław Wierzbicki on the legal aspects of using Robotic Process Automation in outsourcing was published on the Outsourcing Portal.


Krzysztof Łyszyk was a guest of RZECZoPRAWIE program on RzeczpospolitaTV, where he commented the Act on the Central Communication Port, adopted on May 10 by the Parliament and signed on 1st June by the President.


iTWIZ Magazine published Barbara Tomczyk's and Przemysław Wierzbicki's article on the specifics of intellectual property in the Big Data industry.


Rzeczpospolita published a comprehensive analysis of Przemyslaw Wierzbicki on obtaining consent of the patient for treatment with biosimilars.


Krzysztof Łyszyk was a guest of Bilans programme on TVN24 BiS, where he commented adoption by the Parliament of a special act concerning Central Communication Port by the Parliament .

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna published Krzysztof Łyszyk’s and Wiktor Wesołowski’s article on investment arbitration in connection with recent jurisdiction of Court of Justice of the European Union in the Achmea case and legality examination in Poland.

CEE Legal Matters

CEE Legal Matters published an information about our advisory in obtaining building permission for the new headquarters of Museum of Moder Art in Warsaw.

Polsat TV

Krzysztof Łyszyk was a guest of Polsat TV program where he commented on trade regulations on Sundays, including attempts to renegotiate rents and exceptions from statutory trade ban.

CEE Legal Matters

CEE Legal Matters published an information about our advisory for Robyg S.A in the acquisition of four limited partnerships.


Michał Kurzyński was as a guest of Rzeczpospolita TV RZECZoPRAWIE and commented  planned amendments to the Act on public-private partnership.

Rzeczpospolita published an information about our advisory for Robyg S.A in the acquisition of four limited partnerships.

Wolters Kluwer

Wolters Kluwer published an information about our advisory for Robyg S.A in the acquisition of four limited partnerships.

CEE Legal Matters

CEE Legal Matters reports on our advisory in a deal concerning Calypso Fitness S.A., a largest fitness chain in Poland. According to the agreement signed on 19 February, Calypso Fitness will be demerged and partially sold to subsidiary of Benefit Systems S.A.

Eurobuild published an information about our advisory in obtaining building permission for the new headquarters of Museum of Moder Art in Warsaw.

Rzeczpospolita published an information about our advisory in obtaining building permission for the new headquarters of Museum of Moder Art in Warsaw.

Wolters Kluwer

Wolters Kluwer published an information about our advisory in a deal concerning division of Calypso Fitness S.A- the largest fitness chain in Poland.

Eurobuild published an information about our advisory in a deal concerning division of Calypso Fitness S.A- the largest fitness chain in Poland.

Rzeczpospolita published an information about our advisory in a deal concerning division of Calypso Fitness S.A- the largest fitness chain in Poland.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna posted Krzysztof Łyszyk’s comment on government's proposal for administrative division of air traffic for the agglomeration of Warsaw.


Rzeczpospolita published Anna Grochowska's and Wiktor Wesołowski's article "Anticorruption legislation -entrepreneurs' hassle"

Polsat TV

Wiktor Wesolowski was a guest of Polsat TV program and commented a matter that raises doubts related to enquiring claims based on a bill of exchange and the responsibility of the State Treasury.

CEE Legal Matters

CEE Legal Matters published an information on the new Managing Partner – Michał Kurzyński, and on the promotion of Wiktor Wesołowski into a partner.

Puls HR

Puls HR published an information on the new Managing Partner – Michał Kurzyński, and on the promotion of Wiktor Wesołowski into a partner. 

Rzeczpospolita published an information on the new Managing Partner – Michał Kurzyński, and on the promotion of Wiktor Wesołowski to a partner.

CEE Legal Matters

CEE Legal Matters published an information about our representation of an auxiliary prosecutor PKP PLK S.A. in criminal proceeding in connection with the Szczekociny train crash.

Polsat TV

Krzysztof Łyszyk was a guest of Polsat TV program where he commented recent government and parliamentary proposals for amendments to the Act limiting trade of agricultural land

Wolters Kluwer

Wolters Kluwer published an information about our representation of an auxiliary prosecutor PKP PLK S.A. in criminal proceeding in connection with the Szczekociny train crash.

Rzeczpospolita published an information about our representation of an auxiliary prosecutor PKP PLK S.A. in criminal proceeding in connection with the Szczekociny train crash.


Our advisory in delisting of ZA Polna S.A. was credited by Mergermarket (deal number 824554).

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna published an article „The court will decide on companies' freedom in design-build tenders" with Jacek Kosiński's comments on a construction of a tunnel between Łódź Fabryczna and Łódź Kaliska railway stations.


Wiktor Wesołowski was a guest of Rzeczpospolita TV RZECZoPRAWIE and commented new regulations on transparency of public life.

22.12.2017 published an information about our victory in proceedings before Poland’s Public Procurement Office in connection with a tender for the construction of a tunnel connecting two islands, Uznam and Wolin, in Świnoujście.

Rzeczpospolita published an information about our victory in proceedings before Poland’s Public Procurement Office in connection with a tender for the construction of a tunnel connecting two islands, Uznam and Wolin, in Świnoujście.


Rzeczpospolita published an article „Permission for real estate investments may lead to a fraud” written by Jacek Kosiński.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna published an article „ Real estate investment in cities can be easier” written by Jacek Kosiński.


Website republished an interview with Krzysztof Łyszyk on Poland's government decision to build a central airport and a new transportation strategy.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna published an article „Public-Private Partnership not for SPVs” written by Jacek Kosiński.

CEE Legal Matters

CEE Legal Matters published an information about our advisory to ZA Polna SA regarding company's  delisting from WSE.

Rzeczpospolita published an information about our advisory to ZA Polna SA regarding company's  delisting from WSE.

Polski Rynek Transportu Lotniczego

Krzysztof Łyszyk in an interview published by Polish Air Transport Portal comments Poland's government decision to build a central airport and a new transportation strategy.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna published an article „Construction Code is almost finished" with Jacek Kosiński's comments.

CEE Legal Matters

CEE Legal Matters published an information about our advisory to Lootena company in a PPP project in Łódź – construction of multi-storey car parks.

Rzeczpospolita published an information about our advisory to Lootena company in a PPP project in Łódź – construction of multi-storey car parks.

CEE Legal Matters

CEE Legal Matters published an information about our advisory to the French company Etanco Group in an acquisition of Gbo Fastening Systems Poland.

Rzeczpospolita published an information about our advisory to a Polish company Verte.

Wolters Kluwer

Wolters Kluwer published an information about our advisory to a Polish company Verte in its restructuring process.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna published an article „Restructuring tourism no longer needed” by Przemysław Wierzbicki and Jakub Brzeski.


Krzysztof Łyszyk commented in Rzeczpospolita proposed changes in the sale of agricultural land.

Rzeczpospolita published an information about our advisory to the French company Etanco Group in an acquisition of Gbo Fastening Systems Poland.


Krzysztof Łyszyk was a guest of Rzeczpospolita TV RZECZoPRAWIE and commented on legal aspects of the planned Poland's Central Transportation Port.

Online. Marketing. Magazyn.

Online. Marketing. Magazyn. published on its website an article "White Paper on Digital Platforms" by Barbara Tomczyk and Przemyslaw Wierzbicki.

Puls Biznesu

Puls Biznesu published on its website an information about our victory in proceedings against a tourist agency Itaka.

Rzeczpospolita published an information about our victory in proceedings against a tourist agency Itaka.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna published an article „The Polish state will invest in housing but developers are not happy" with Jacek Kosiński's comments.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna published an article „Construction without neighbors will be impossible – it will be forbidden to build houses next to parks or forests" with Jacek Kosiński's comments.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna published an article „Ryanair cancels flights: what sort and how much of a compensation can you get?” with Krzysztof Łyszyk’s comments.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna published an article „Ryanair’s turbulence: hundreds of flights cancelled, pilots went to work for competition” with Krzysztof Łyszyk’s comments.

Gazeta Wyborcza

Gazeta Wyborcza published an article „Hundreds of Ryanair flights cancelled. The airline has problems with managing its number of flights” with Krzysztof Łyszyk’s comments.

International Bar Association Insolvency and Restructuring International Journal

International Bar Association Insolvency and Restructuring International Journal published an article „Pre-Pack under Polish Law” written by Barbara Tomczyk and Przemysław Wierzbicki.

Rynek Turystyczny

Rynek Turystyczny published an article «Securing your clients in the event of the insolvency of travel agencies how the system works?» by Maciej Łysakowski.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna published an article on consumer bankruptcy with Przemysław Wierzbicki's comments.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna published an article „A sober perspective on contractor’s experience acquired while working in a consortium” written by Jacek Kosiński.

CEE Legal Matters

CEE Legal Matters published an information about our advisory to Poland's Ministry of Development in connection with the new government's Public-Private Partnership strategy.


Wolters Kluwer

Wolters Kluwer published an information about our advisory to Poland's Ministry of Development in connection with the new government's Public-Private Partnership strategy.

Rzeczpospolita published an information about our advisory to Poland's Ministry of Development in connection with the new government's Public-Private Partnership strategy.


Rzeczpospolita published an article “Challenges for the State Attorney” written by Wiktor Wesołowski.

Rzeczpospolita published an information about our success in representation of a Turkish company Gülermak in connection with public procurement proceedings. 


Rzeczpospolita published an article “State Attorney at Full Speed” with Krzysztof Łyszyk’s comment.

CEE Legal Matters

CEE Legal Matters published an information about our advisory to a Turkish company Gϋlermak and a Polish company PBDiM in connection with the construction of Warsaw bypass road.

Wolters Kluwer

Wolters Kluwer published an information about our advisory to a Turkish company Gϋlermak and a Polish company PBDiM in connection with the construction of Warsaw bypass road.

Rzeczpospolita published an information about our advisory to a Turkish company Gϋlermak and a Polish company PBDiM in connection with the construction of Warsaw bypass road.

Rynek Zdrowia

Rynek Zdrowia published an article "Practice decides on the use of biosimiliar drugs" written by Przemysław Wierzbicki and Maciej Łysakowski.


Krzysztof Łyszyk was a guest of Rzeczpospolita TV RZECZoPRAWIE and commented on the proposed acquisition of 5 per cent of shares of Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa, the largest in Poland and the eight largest sugar beet grower in Europe, by the state-owned Agricultural Property Agency. 

Rynek Prawniczy published an interview with Jacek Kosiński, Michał Kurzyński and Przemysław Wierzbicki about the merger of KKLW and WARP. 

Wolters Kluwer

Wolters Kluwer published an information about two new lawyers joining KKLW - Mariusz Domagała and Wojciech Kowalczuk.

Rzeczpospolita published an information about two new lawyers joining KKLW - Mariusz Domagała and Wojciech Kowalczuk.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Przemysław Wierzbicki commented in Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily the ruling of the National Appeals Chamber in connection with the acquisition of airplanes for the Polish state. 


Krzysztof Łyszyk commented in Rzeczpospolita daily an amendment to the Penalty Code on asset forfeiture.


Krzysztof Łyszyk commented in Rzeczpospolita daily new regulations on land mobility.

Rynek Prawniczy published an information about the merger of KKLW law firm with WARP law firm.

CEE Legal Matters

CEE Legal Matters published an information about the merger of KKLW law firm with WARP law firm.


The portal published information about the merger of KKLW law firm with WARP law firm.

Polsat News

Krzysztof Łyszyk commented on Polsat TV News issues related to the State Treasury liability for damages in case of the company's mandatory administration.


Krzysztof Łyszyk was a guest of the Rzeczpospolita TV RZECZoPRAWIE and commented on the amendment to the Penal Code allowing the forfeiture of the assets being a subject of the crime.


Marek Zbigniew Czarny, PhD commented on TVN24 BiŚ a draft legislation prepared by the Ministry of Finance, which would allow banks to transfer information on entrepreneurs’ corporate accounts to the National Clearing House.

Gazeta Giełdy i Inwestorów Parkiet

Gazeta Giełdy i Inwesorów Parkiet daily published an article 'Assembly of bondholders - regulation for lifting' written by Przemysław Wierzbicki.

Wiadomości Handlowe

Wiadomosci Handlowe monthly published an article 'Discount and bonus is not a shelf charge?' written by Marta Foltyn.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily published an article 'Restructuring on a unified rules throughout the whole EU' written by Przemysław Wierzbicki.

Rynek Kolejowy

Rynek Kolejowy published an article 'Decisions of the President of the UTK restricting rail traffic on sidings' written by Jakub Brzeski and Przemysław Wierzbicki.

Magazyn Autostrady

Magazyn Autostrady published an article 'Guaranteed deposit in Construction Contracts and amendments in Bankruptcy Law' written by Jakub Brzeski.

Moda na Farmację

Moda na Farmację published an article 'Legal status of biosimilar medicines' written by Aleksandra Modzelewska.

Rynek Turystyczny

Rynek Turystyczny published an article 'The works on the implementation of a new directive' written by Marta Foltyn and Przemysław Wierzbicki.


Rzeczpospolita daily published an article 'Attention to contracts with service providers' written by Aleksandra Modzelewska and Przemysław Wierzbicki.


Przemysław Wierzbicki was a guest of the Rzeczpospolita TV 'RZECZoPRAWIE'.

Rynek Turystyczny

Rynek Turystyczny published an article 'What rights does a passenger have?' written by Marta Foltyn and Przemyslaw Wierzbicki.


Rzeczpospolita daily published an article 'Civil procedure: amendments are not reform' written by Przemysław Wierzbicki.

Lawyer Monthly

British magazine Lawyer Monthly published an article on acquisition of Dossche Poland by Cargill Poland, a transaction led by Michał Kurzynski.

Magazyn Autostrady

Magazyn Autostrady published an article 'Very low price in public procurement' written by Maciej Łysakowski.

Gazeta Ubezpieczeniowa Weekly

Gazeta Ubezpieczeniowa Weekly published an article 'Protection against the effects of cybercrime: The future that is coming' written by Magdalena Czarnecka and Przemysław Wierzbicki.

Magazyn Autostrady

Magazyn Autostrady published an article 'The Liability of the road manager for accidents' written by Maria Beroud and Przemysław Wierzbicki.

Nowa Energia

Nowa Energia magazine published an article 'Public procurement against challenges of the energy sector in Poland' written by Maciej Łysakowski.

Magazyn Autostrady

Magazyn Autostrady published an article 'Insurance and banking guarantees as a security for a construction contract - practical issues' written by Jakub Brzeski.

The Builder

The Builder magazine published an article 'Liquidated damages under the magnifying glass’ written by Marta Ewiak and Przemysław Wierzbicki.

Magazyn Autostrady

Magazyn Autostrady published an article 'Leasing of Machines - legal aspects' written by Maciej Łysakowski and Przemysław Wierzbicki.

Rynek Kolejowy

Rynek Kolejowy magazine published an article 'Railway infrastructure procurement - special features' written by Maciej Łysakowski and Przemysław Wierzbicki.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

The supplement of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily 'Firma i Prawo' published an article on the imperfection of the Real Property Act in which Martyna Kamińska-Tabak and Martyna Dyga are quoted.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily published an article in which Martyna Kamińska-Tabak was quoted. 

SIDiR Bulletin

The SIDiR Bulletin published an article in which Jacek Kosiński and Małgorzata Bystrzonowska are quoted.

Puls Biznesu

Puls Biznesu daily published an article on public-private partnership (PPP) projects in health care in which Jacek Kosiński is quoted.

SIDiR Bulletin

The SIDiR Bulletin published an article in which Jacek Kosiński and Małgorzata Bystrzonowska are quoted.

Puls Biznesu

Puls Biznesu daily published an article on public-private partnership (PPP) projects in health care in which Jacek Kosiński is quoted.

Puls Biznesu

Puls Biznesu daily published an article on National Appeals Chamber ruling concerning our client. The article was written by Jacek Kosiński and Katarzyna Zdunek.

Puls Biznesu

Puls Biznesu daily published an article on the subject of the permit written by Jacek Kosiński. 


Rzeczpospolita daily published an article on the realization of construction projects written by Jacek Kosiński.

Puls Biznesu

We were a partner of the Puls Biznesu special report ‘PPP in Poland’, summarizing the last three years of the implementation of PPP in Poland.

Polski Rynek Transportu Lotniczego

Polski Rynek Transportu Lotniczego published a series of articles co-authored by Krzysztof Łyszyk.

Polski Rynek Transportu Lotniczego

Polski Rynek Transportu Lotniczego published a series of articles co-authored by Krzysztof Łyszyk.



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